
You Are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

Book Details

Listening Time: 6 hours and 59 minutes
Author: Jen Sincero
Narrator: Jen Sincero
Release Date:
April 18, 2017

In the world of personal finance and self-improvement, finding the right book that resonates with you can be a game-changer. One such book that has been making waves in recent years is “You Are a Badass at Making Money” by Jen Sincero. This Audible audiobook edition is a fantastic resource for those looking to transform their financial situation and develop a wealth mindset. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the key takeaways from this book and explore why it’s worth your time.

Unleashing Your Inner Financial Badass

Jen Sincero, the author and narrator of this book, takes you on a journey of self-discovery and financial empowerment. She shares her personal transformation from a financially struggling individual to someone who now enjoys a life of abundance and financial freedom. Through her witty and relatable storytelling, she guides you through the process of breaking down the mental barriers that may be holding you back from achieving your financial goals.

Key Takeaways

Here are some of the key takeaways from “You Are a Badass at Making Money”:

  1. Changing Your Money Mindset: Sincero emphasizes the importance of recognizing and changing your limiting beliefs about money. She provides practical exercises and insights to help you shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance.
  2. Taking Action: This book is not just about positive thinking; it’s about taking action. Sincero encourages readers to set clear financial goals and take steps towards achieving them. She shares her own experiences and the actionable strategies she used to create wealth.
  3. Embracing Risk: Sincero challenges the fear of taking risks when it comes to financial opportunities. She believes that stepping out of your comfort zone is a crucial step toward financial success.
  4. The Energy of Money: Sincero introduces the concept that money carries energy. Understanding this can help you attract more wealth into your life. She provides insights into how your thoughts and actions can influence the energy of money.
  5. Financial Mantras: Throughout the book, Sincero introduces powerful money mantras and affirmations that can reprogram your subconscious mind for financial success. These mantras serve as a daily reminder of your wealth-building journey.

Why Listen to the Audible Edition

Listening to the Audible audiobook edition of “You Are a Badass at Making Money” offers a unique experience. Jen Sincero’s narration adds a personal touch to the content. Her enthusiasm and passion shine through in her voice, making the material even more engaging and relatable. You can easily listen to this audiobook during your commute, workout, or while doing household chores, making it a convenient way to absorb valuable financial insights.


“You Are a Badass at Making Money” by Jen Sincero is more than just a typical personal finance book. It’s a guide to transforming your mindset, overcoming financial obstacles, and embracing the abundance that life has to offer. Whether you’re new to the world of personal finance or seeking to revamp your money mindset, this audiobook is a valuable resource.

So, if you’re ready to take control of your financial future, dive into this audiobook, and let Jen Sincero’s wisdom and humor inspire you to become a financial badass.

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